The article discusses some issues of codification and semantization of language teaching terms in term-fixing texts (specialized dictionaries and reference books). It also describes other texts which involve the type of terms under consideration – term-creating and term-using texts. The paper outlines some key features of the language teaching terms, such as interdisciplinarity, social determinism, etc. The investigation reveals the requirements put forward for terminographic semantics, examines the parameters of the presentation of terms in articles of single and bilingual reference publications, and marks off the types of definitions in term-fixing texts. The research has included detailed analysis of the macro- and microstructure of a new German-Russian reference book of the Goethe-Institute’s innovative program for teachers “Learning to teach German” (German: Deutsch Lehren Lernen), published by the Moscow University Press in 2022. The contribution provides general information about the corpus of the reference book, the subject of codified terms and their formal features, characteristics of the structure and the content of dictionary entries, as well as the principles which were taken into account when describing the concept. Both verbal and nonverbal components are outlined as important terminographic definitional features. These parts of dictionary articles help users better understand the dictionary content of terms represented in the texts of the secondary sphere of use.
language teaching term; term-fixing text; dictionary; codification; semantization of the term
Within the framework of cognitive linguistics, questions of nomination are of particular importance. The article dwells upon functioning of toponyms in the English mass media discourse. The central question is the semantic derivation of the toponyms in English-language news of the Reuters news agency. This paper focuses on the main cognitive mechanisms of the formation of a new meaning, such as cognitive metaphor and metonymy, defocusing and profiling schemes. The article investigates the nature of the formation of new meanings and examines approaches proposed by Kubryakova E.S., Iriskhanova O.K., Boldyrev N.N., Babina L.V., Maslova Zh.N., Popova E.A., Ch. Fillmore, R. Lanecker, J. Lakoff. The data of the study consists of 57 examples of precedent toponyms Moscow, Russia, Ukraine, Kiev, Washington, roaches Hungary, Beijing, Britain, Georgia, Kremlin, Turkey, Venezuela that have rich semantics and great potential for the formation of new meanings. These toponyms are also used most frequently in the context of the current political agenda. The toponyms functioning in the English-language news of the Reuters news agency were analyzed for the cognitive mechanism that underlies the formation of the meaning. The findings show that the most productive mechanism of semantic derivation in media discourse is the mechanism of conceptual metonymy.
semantic derivation; cognitive metonymy; mass media discourse; toponym
This study is a continuation of the author’s research of various approaches to the use of metaphor and other expressive language means in texts of English PR discourse (public relations discourse). The aim of the work to reveal the use of the linguistic and pragmatic potential of expressive linguistic units inherent in the texts of the sphere of directed communication, based on the material of the English-language PR discourse, taking into account the PR ends of informing the society and building a certain understanding of the described phenomena. Regarding the stance of attributing metaphor to complex mental mechanisms, public relations councilors resort to their usage to represent new phenomena through the sensory and social experience of a person. The novelty of the study is the conclusion that by using certain polycode language units, PR copywriters get the opportunity to transfer conceptual representations to a process or phenomenon that is difficult to understand, since complex professional texts can be adapted for understanding through similarity and analogy presented in language. The conducted research contributes to discursive studies, as well as to understanding of metaphorical thinking in theory and practice, which can be used in teaching courses in lexicology, phraseology of the English language, as well as for training specialists in the field of communication studies.
polycode metaphor; public relations; PR discourse; English; figurative language; information
Traditionally discourse markers were defined as language entities that serve to connect sentences, having no impact on the meaning of the sentence itself due to the fact that they are completely deprived of any denotative meaning. Today the perception of the role and status of discourse markers has changed, and these “empty little fillers” that tend to pollute the language have become the subject of many studies from the standpoint of cognitive science and pragmatics. Despite the fact that discourse markers are devoid of semantic meaning, nevertheless, they received their functional recognition — the functions of location, cohesion and predication, and pragmatic characteristics were assigned to them. The aim of the article is to analyze the discursive and pragmatic features of the discourse marker “you know” in a political discourse. Based on the presumption that political discourse is a land of possible worlds, aiming to create the plurality of worlds in the consciousness of recipients while performing its core function (manipulative), the article gives an overview of macro and micro functions of the discourse marker “you know” focusing on manipulation. The essential characteristics of discourse markers in a political communication elicited in the article are ambivalence and bifunctionality. Some examples of the marker “you know” in a deictic microfunction will be given to prove the hypothesis that discourse markers transform their functions depending on the mode of its use in a natural or political language. The manipulative role of discourse markers in the interpretation mode is described in the light of the theory of relevance, translation strategies of discourse marker from English into Russian are analyzed using the approach of the functional-communicative theory of translation on the basis of D. Trump’s television interview.
discourse marker “you know”; manipulation of consciousness; relevance; political discourse; functional-communicative theory of translation
The article discusses the terms sociolinguistics — contact linguistics — World Englishes paradigm. The structure of Contact Linguistics, whose central part is made by the World Englishes paradigm, is dwelt upon. Major problems of language contacts are overviewed, including differentiation of the global language, its localization and development of varieties. Varieties of a pluricentric language are defined as typified speech that is specific of a certain linguacultural social community, that reflects the mentality, cultural features and to a certain degree transfer of the native language. The author emphasizes that each variety is underpinned by a linguacultural identity of its users. Attention is focused on the legitimacy of the Expanding Circle varieties (according to B. Kachru) such as Russian and Chinese Englishes, need in their studying in theory and applied aspects.
sociolinguistics; contact linguistics; World Englishes paradigm; culture and language contacts; pluricentric language; language variety; Three Circle Theory; norm
The article examines the linguosemiotic content and functional characteristics of food rituals, which are a symbolic representation of folk beliefs, tra- ditional knowledge and collective experience relevant to this society. The study of the semiotics of gastronomic culture involves the analysis of factors that have influenced the modern cultural context in which certain gastronyms are endowed with symbolic properties. The article gives a classification of symbols by form and content: 1) according to the degree of complexity: simple (egg, noodles) and complex (Fish Ceremony); 2) according to the level of abstraction: concrete (lotus, round gingerbread) — abstract (dragon, phoenix); 3) according to the form of their expression: graphic (hieroglyphs chun lian 春联, chūnlián) — wishes of happiness, well–being before the New Year and subject (flashlight, seeds); 4) auditory — songs and poems dedicated to the Moon Holiday; 5) gestural — the choice of dishes for the festive table; 6) by origin: natural symbols (bamboo, fish) — artificial (yin and yang).
Depending on the functions, the article examines two groups of culinary symbols: mythological (egg — Food of the five virtues) and moral symbols (ducks — happiness). Semiotic studies of gastronomic linguoculture bring us closer to understanding not only the culture of individual peoples, but also the aesthetic universals and psychological constants of humanity.
linguoculturology; semiotics; cultural code; gastronomic culture; sensory channels; classification of symbols; mythological and moral symbols
In the domain of world intellectual history, the Sephardic language, otherwise called Judeo-Spanish or Ladino, occupies a special place. The article deals with terminological nominations corresponding to the language, accepted in the paradigm of modern philological studies; the concept of Judeo-Spanish which implies a heterogeneous dialect continuum, including various geographical varieties that formed outside the Spanish-speaking area and independently of the Spanish language; the multifaceted nature of the Jewish-Spanish in the projection on its history as a repository of collective memory and cultural heritage; the religious context of the appearance of Ladino; a certain tradition of understanding the Jewish-Spanish language as a place of memory and a metaphor for a lost home, which has developed in the ethnic mentality of the descendants of Sephardic Jews and has been fixed in the artistic and documentary narrative; conventional and institutional status of the Hebrew-Spanish language; modern formats and strategies for its promotion, as well as features of its positioning in the ethnic mentality of the descendants of Sephardim expelled from Spain and Portugal in 1492/1496. Currently the language of Sephardic Jews, transmitted to different continents along with its native speakers, continues to be a powerful means of legitimizing the symbolic unity (based on maintaining a sense of secondary identity) of representatives of this traditional community. Despite active divergent processes, Judeo-Spanish or Ladino has a special status in the world intellectual history in accordance with its historical, social and cultural context and serves as a traditional basis in the structure of historical ethnic memory.
The course “Language and geographical space” is aimed at the study of modern dynamic linguistic and geographical situations associated with new political and cultural realities. At the same time, the approaches of cultural geography and critical toponymy are the main ones in the course. The key to the course is the problem of renaming geographical objects based on new ideologies and political attitudes. A comprehensive cultural and geographical approach considers renaming as an innovative and adaptive socio-cultural process. Mass renaming in cities leads to the replacement of one cultural and linguistic landscape with another, and widespread renaming of cities leads to the creation of a new geocultural space of the country. It is important to have an idea of the geographical picture of the world, which is solved on the basis of attracting various maps of the world; for linguists, familiarity with the possibilities of the cartographic method is useful. As a result, the course expands the scientific horizons and methodological arsenal of Master’s degree students.
renaming; toponym; geographical name; geoconcept; conceptualization of geographical space; geographical picture of the world
The article examines the semantic organization of text-work by means of textual units, which convey meaning, unlike linguistic units, which convey significance. Textual units differ: a) in structure — simple (indivisible in meaning) and complex; b) by origin — unoriginal (quotations) and original; c) by function — neutral and marked: key units that accumulate meaning, and unit-keys that reveal meaning; d) by semantic volume — intratextual and intertextual; e) by position in the text — structurally marked and structurally unmarked. Certain formal and functional ways of their use in a text allow to identify textual units: repetition, their use for explanation or replication. In the Russian philological tradition, these units were called “symbols” [Vinogradov, 1980], “abbreviations of meaning” [Bakhtin, 1986], “narrative keys” [Toporov, 1983; Nikolaeva, 2012]. The author of the present article introduces the term “textforms” (“key textforms” and “textform keys”) which makes it possible to view textual forms as units of text grammar and grammatical forms as units of language grammar. The article presents an analysis of textforms that organize the semantic dimension of texts of confessional culture (“The Tale of Boris and Gleb”) and texts of secular culture that differ in artistic principles and forms of presentation of these principles (Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” and Brodsky’s poem “December in Florence”).
text grammar; text-work; key textual units; key units; textual quotation dimension; epigraphs and pseudo-epigraphs
The article is aimed at finding ways for a systematically grounded determination of the causes of diachronic changes in any language, i.e. at the creation a way to explain any linguistic changes not by arbitrarily chosen single causes, but as a result of the interaction of social factors and intralinguistic factors caused by them. The article focuses on two processes taking place in the modern Russian language: the loss of declension by toponyms ending in -in(o), -ov(o) (for example, Ya zhivu v Pushkino / Butovo instead of Ya zhivu v Pushkine / Butove) and the replacement of the toponymic model Pushkinskaya ulitsa (ʻPushkin streetʼ) with the model ulitsa Pushkina (ʻthe street of Pushkinʼ). It is shown that the initial cause of both phenomena is social. It consists in strengthening the internal migration of the Russian population, as well as in the widespread dissemination of the media. As a result, the language community begins to consist of such native speakers who previously lived in different regions of the country or belonged to different social groups and therefore have mismatched background knowledge. The inability to rely on the knowledge of the recipients forces senders of messages, firstly, to avoid using am- biguous case forms (for example, when following the old norm in the sentence Ya zhivu v Pushkine, it remains unclear what the initial form of the toponym is: Pushkin or Pushkino), and secondly, to avoid using idiomatic toponymic models, since they do not make it possible to determine from which word the toponym is derived (the modern non-idiomatic toponym ulitsa Akademika Komarova (ʻStreet of Academician Komarovʼ) is much more unambiguous than the toponyms Komarovskaya ulitsa (ʻKomarovskaya Streetʼ) or ulitsa Komarovka (ʻKomarovka Streetʼ) built according to the old model).
analyticism; idiomaticity; toponymic model; productivity; causes of language changes; social factors; intralinguistic factors; systemic approach; homogeneous language community; heterogeneous language community
Fable is the oldest literary genre, fundamentally studied by the humanities, but, at the same time, its relevance in modern life is obvious, and the prospects for its development have not been sufficiently studied. Fable is an international genre, but it is deeply national. A comparative study of languages and cultures is especially promising if we take into consideration their common foundations. French and Russian fables (La Fontaine and Krylov) are a clear illustration of this thesis. Using the most common universal subjects, fabulists inevitably develop the most nationally specific features of their linguistic cultures. This is the deep dialectic of their creativity. Lafontaine and Krylov are one of the key figures in Russian and French linguocultures. Their archetypal influence on the further development of not only literary processes, but also the general cultural dialogue between France and Russia is very strong. The “healthy” spirit of these writers, their “common sense” in the highest sense of this phrase make their heritage highly relevant today, when both Russian and French cultures in some way are increasingly striving for so-called traditional values. The French and Russian fabulists with their creativity seem to build a positive perspective for the development of our cultures.
fable, fable dialogue; didactics; linguocentrism; linguistic personality; dialogue of cultures; linguoculture; self-irony; ontology
The study of the phenomenon of plurality / diversity is a relevant topic related to the interaction of language, society and culture cf. the concept of “multiple modernities”; “multiple sociality”; “multiple person”, “plurality of culture and language”, etc. The phenomenon of plurality / diversity in language and culture has several interpretations and terms corresponding to these interpretations, which are close but not identical to those adopted in Russian and French-speaking scientific literature: pluriculturalism / plurilingualism; multiculturalism / multilingualism; pluriculturalisme/plurilinguisme; multiculturalisme / multilinguisme. Considering the concepts of D.V. Ivanov, Z. Bauman, B. Lahir V. Feussi, M. Bernardot et al., the article discusses the concept of multiple heterogeneous formations reflected in the language, the components of which do not have clear boundaries and freely flow into one another. The article examines the functioning and interconnection of a number of French lexemes: pluralité, diversité, hétérogénéité, mobilité, mobiliser, motilité, immobilité, hybridité, métissage, mélange, liquidité, fluidification. It is confirmed that these lexemes are interconnected and form a “linguistic node”, reflecting / forming the factor of plurality in the discourse about modernity, which is developing in the context of globalization and glocalization. As a research perspective, an assumption is made about the allocation of discrete “territories” in the streams of words, terms and concepts, including the sphere of language education.
L1 learning consists not only in acquiring phonological, grammatical, lexical, etc. prescriptions of a Saussurean ‘langue’ as a system of signs, but also in subconscious inferences concerning prototypical usage and creativity measures of linguistic signs actually used by adult native speakers in communication. L2 acquisition by adults differs from L1 acquisition due to practical limitations. Multilingual text corpora are helpful as a means of overcoming this deficit of information. Non-native speakers relying on statistics of the right-hand and left-hand contexts of lexical items, and not only on frequency of separate lexical items, can measure the degree of creativity of original texts and of their own linguistic production in a foreign language. Thus, the English phrase ‘highly likely’ is used in English texts rather differently from the way it is cited and understood outside English texts proper, e. g. in Russian mass media. The paper analyzes statistics and semantics of the contexts of the English expression ‘highly likely’ and its synonyms in a big English corpus of original texts. Thus, in my English corpus, ‘highly likely’ is less frequent than ‘highly unlikely’, which signals negative rather than positive expectations of the propositions supplied with such hedges. These and similar data are compared with the use of their correspondences in a big Russian corpus of original texts. Pragmatic and semantic differences of these expressions in Russian and in English have to do with expectations, connotations and ‘implied inferences’ not always immediately perceived by Russian speakers citing the fashionable English phrase in their Russian discourse. The Russian transliteration of the English phrase, and not the literal translation, may be the only adequate way of rendering irony in trans-cultural communication.
language acquisition; discourse adaptation; multi-lingual text corpus; trans-cultural communication
The article discusses the problem of productivity in culture and language in its positive (derivative) and negative (secondary) aspects. The author focuses on the role of derivative (secondary) mental and linguistic structures from the perspective of a cognitive approach. He analyses secondary functions, elements, systems, as well as the principles and mechanisms of their formation in the contexts of conceptual and language derivation and in terms of two main trends in language change: conceptual-linguistic (the structure and content change in the encyclopedic and linguistic knowledge) and formal-linguistic (new language units and expressions construction). The author argues the positive or negative effect of productivity regarding the nature of the associated processes of manipulation by primary verbal structures, taking into account the collective and individual aspects of these processes, as well as from the point of view of the primary and secondary interpretation of the world and knowledge of the world in language. As an example of the positive aspect of productivity the author considers creativity, the emergence of new meaning, the reproduction of any ideas in a new form and connects it with the construction of new knowledge about the world of the collective level or with re-structuring of the previously obtained knowledge. To the negative aspects the author attributes the processes of manipulation by verbal and non-verbal structures using illegal or not entirely legal means which are manifested in plagiarism, compilation of parts of the works of other authors, non-legitimate borrowings, kitsch in culture, science and language.
The article is devoted to the problem of the emergence of new words, and together with them concepts and new symbols in the language. The semantic meanings of words may symbolize different concepts in different linguistic cultures. A special role in this process belongs to the cognitive functions of the language, while communication and cognition exist in the indissoluble connection and depend directly on cultural-historical, socio-political, economic, industrial characteristics of the society.
language and culture; cognition and communication; discourse; discourse sphere; globalization processes in life and language; multicode communication; symbol