ISSN: 2074-1588
The article is devoted to the problem of preserving cultural heritage through its reproduction in cultural memory based on the Quebec documentary cinema of the first half of the 20th century. The aim of the research is to identify and to justify the features of films related to “direct cinema” as an important part of cultural heritage, a creative memory carrier. A memory’s need for self-identification in space leads to the creation of places that are for any group not only a scene of joint activity, but also symbols of identity and important points of memories. The appearance of a light and silent camera in the cinematograph in the second half of the 50s contributed to the birth of the “new wave”. The center of “direct cinema” in North America was the French-Canadian province of Quebec. The article analyzes the relationship between cinema and society, cinema language is considered a means of reflecting the characteristics of identity. These characteristics model cultural identity and illustrate the alliance of cultural bearers about ethno-integrating and ethnodifferentiating characters. The article clarifies the contribution of the first priestsfilmmakers to the formation of the collective memory of Quebec. The specificity of the visual solution and dramaturgy of “direct cinema” is analyzed on the basis of the film by Michel Brault, Gilles Groulx and Marcel Carrière. The conclusion about the peculiarities of innovative aesthetics and the significance of films of direct cinema as effective translators of the values of Quebec culture and generators of new meanings of cultural memory is made.
The article is devoted to the gender aspect of literary studies based on the works of the French writer and poetess Christine de Pisan (1364–1430).
The attitude towards “masculine” and “feminine” behavior has dominated for many centuries and has not lost its influence in modern society. The privilege of the patriarchal view in traditional culture also applies to the traditional cultural text. The development of gender studies in the second half of the twentieth century contributed to the interpretation of gender as a discursive phenomenon by its nature. These studies enhanced the differentiation of texts as cultural phenomena into “masculine” and “feminine” types in modern philosophical and cultural studies. The purpose of the study is to identify and explain the features of discursive practices as a reflection of specific female subjectivity. The article analyzes the main features of “masculine” and “feminine” discourse. The concept of “feminine writing” (écriture féminine, H. Cixous’s term), “feminine style of writing” (Derrida’s term) are specified, special attention is paid to the issues of representation and constructiveness of the subject. A specific nature of the discourse on female identity is analyzed using the works of Christina de Pisan as an example, who laid the foundation for the tradition of women’s essays in support of female representatives (“Book of Fortune’s Transformation” (Le Livre de la Mutation de Fortune, 1403); “The Book of the City of Ladies” (Le livre de la Cité des Dames, 1405). The conclusion is made about the interconnection between the intellectual side of women’s identity and the issues of women’s education in this type of discourse, where women’s education is a necessary condition for the transition of women from the role of an object to the role of a subject of culture.
The article is devoted to the gender aspect of the study of the literary work of the French writer and philosopher Marie Le Jars de Gournay (1565–1645). Interest in gender issues in European literature at the turn of the 17th century is explained by a new round of the “The Woman Question” polemic about the relationship of the sexes. In many European countries, texts appear that address the problem of the position of women in society and their role in social and cultural life. In France, the works of Marie le Jar de Gournay – “The equality of men and women” (L’Egalité des hommes et des femmes, 1622) and “The Complaints of Ladies” (Le Grief des dames, 1626), become a kind of response to iconic anti-feminist pamphlets, in which the author defends not female superiority, but gender equality. The purpose of the study is to identify and justify the features of textual practices as self-expression of a female subject in literature. The article clarifies the concept of “feminine style of writing” and analyzes some productive strategies in the study of women’s texts. The specificity of gender discourse is analyzed using the example of the work of Marie Le Jar de Gournay, who continued the tradition of women’s essays in defense of representatives of the same gender. A conclusion about the prospect of using the concept of a woman’s writing is made. The aforementioned can be used for the further research of the authorship phenomenon and features of representation of women in texts and culture.
The article is devoted to the specifi cs of teaching foreign languages to Chinese students in a Russian university. The purpose of the study is to identify and rationalize the linguistic and cultural features of teaching the French language and culture. According to a common point of view, representatives of diff erent cultures are characterized by diff erent forms of strategic thinking (Vyach.Vs. Ivanov, A.I. Kobzev, L. Levy-Bruhl, K. Lévi-Strauss, Yu.M. Lotman B.N. and others). Traditionally, several types of thinking are distinguished: a synthetic, eastern one, which is characterized by asymmetry, imagery, symbolism, and an analytical, western type of thinking (its features are logic, algorithmic, conceptual, systematic). These features infl uence the stereotypical scenarios of intercultural interaction, including the process of teaching foreign languages. The article analyzes some basic principles of educational and pedagogical communication in the Chinese cultural tradition and considers modern technologies for teaching foreign languages, refl ecting national educational traditions. Possible diffi culties for students are analyzed on the example of diff erences in the systems of French and Chinese at all structural levels (phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic). To conclude, it is necessary to take into account not only signifi cant diff erences in languages of diff erent structure in the learning process, but also the diff erence in methods of learning foreign languages, due to nationally specifi c features of speech behavior, cognitive strategies and culture in general.
The article is devoted to one of the relevant problems of understanding francophonie — the consideration of this phenomenon as a special literary field, where several texts in different languages (one of which is French) coexist. Francophone literature outside of France emerged as an independent phenomenon in the middle of the 20th century (with the exception of the province of Quebec and the historical francophone areas, such as — Switzerland, Belgium) and the study of these literatures has its own history. The purpose of the study is to consider several approaches to interpreting the problems of French-language literatures that are formed at the intersection of cultures. The article gives a brief overview of the concepts and theories used in the context of literary francophonie: the traditional “center-periphery” dichotomy, the concept of cultural miscegenation, post-colonial discourse and the theory of creolization. The research describes such markers of the borderland as the representation of a mestizo identity by French-speaking authors, the poetics of postmodernism, and the hybridity of the language code. The conclusion is made about the inextricable connection of French-language literary texts that exist on the border of two worldviews — “one’s own” and “alien”, simultaneously with the local and world literary heritage, as well as the relationship between the postmodern concept and postcolonial studies.