ISSN: 2074-1588
This article is dedicated to the jubilee of the outstanding scientist, talented person and experienced leader, Professor Galina Georgievna Molchanova. Scientific interests of G.G. Molchanova cover a wide range of areas and topics in the field of cognitive linguistics, polycodal models of intercultural communication, clustering approach in verbal and non-verbal communication studies, memetics and other breakthrough interdisciplinary areas. The focus of special attention is on the issues of the cognitive and polycodal aspects of communication a) in speech; b) in text/discourse, mythology as a means of mind transformation in political discourse, cognitive memology, intertextuality as a semiotic code, semiotic approaches to the study of text and discourse. Author’s courses “Semiotics in intercultural communication”, “Modern techniques and approaches to the study of text/discourse”, “Cognitive studies in language and intercultural communication, intercultural adaptation of text and translation” are a platform for the development of students and the formation of young researchers. Achievements in pedagogical, scientific and administrative work spheres of G.G. Molchanova present a portrait of a brilliant scientist and an outstanding personality, her energy and inexhaustible scientific potential give prompt development and support to all those who work day after day with Galina Georgievna.
This article is devoted to a review of academic topics and reports presented at the international interdisciplinary academic and practical conference “Language. Culture. Translation. Communication”, which took place on October 26–27, 2020 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. During the conference a wide range of issues was discussed: the functioning of archetypical mythologemes in modern discourse, the representation of system-forming concepts in the linguistic picture of the world, the phenomenon of productivity in culture and language, methods of corpus linguistics in the study of a foreign language, consideration of the cognitive foundations of contact between two cultures, the manifestation of cross-modal iconicity in different types of discourse, communicative characteristics of the absurd. A wide coverage of the problems of studying intercultural communication, area and cultural studies was given in thematic sections, which took two days and became the most numerous in terms of the number of speakers. Questions of theory, history and methodology traditionally formed the basis of a heated sectional discussion. The participants shared their scientific research results in the field of modern linguistics, traditional and innovative approaches to the study of language problems. A separate sectional discussion was related to traditions and innovation in modern concepts of teaching foreign languages and Russian as a foreign language. The workshops allowed the participants to improve their competence in the use of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages.
Proper names serve different linguistic functions, ranging from basic – cognitive and communicative to affective, identifying, evaluative, password, pragmatic, characterizing, expressive, appellative, iconic, implicative, index, individualizing functions, in which they display their full potential. The functional repertoire of onomastic units is aimed at distinguishing a subject or object from similar ones, to give it a direct or indirect characteristic, to convey some information and evaluate. Proper names, once created by the author of a particular work, are often used in other texts, acting as allusions, thereby expanding the interpretive potential of onyms. The anthroponym represents a hero already created by another author, and for the perception of the novel it is necessary to know the prehistory. In modern culture, we often see a personal name going “beyond its borders” when it “jumps” from the pages of books onto movie screens, store windows, product labels, advertising billboards, etc. The name expands its information potential and the possibility of interpreting its culturally marked and semantic component. Now we see not only the continuation of the storylines or the usage of the name outside the original context, but also the mixing of spaces of different texts in one, within which all characters are allusive and to understand the storyline of such “patchwork” works requires a certain background knowledge of the recipient. In such works, the proper name not only realizes the individualizing, cognitive, communicative and other functions listed above, but also appears in a new representative function. This function is analyzed in the article in the series “Once Upon A Time”.
The language captures the historical and cultural picture of the world, because without words it is impossible either to describe an object, or to preserve the memory of it. Language as a keeper and translator of cultural and historical values operates with a vast baggage of various means for the nomination of new objects, their description and representation. A proper name acts as one of the means of verbalizing new knowledge, and a form of representation of knowledge accumulated in the language as a whole. Onyms have encyclopedic meaning, which makes it possible to incorporate a large amount of information, but an adequate understanding of the information conveyed by the name depends on the background knowledge of the recipient. A proper name can be considered as a code with the help of which the author’s communicative message is verbalized; it realizes the cognitive, communicative, expressive, axiological and password functions in the text. For a comprehensive study of the functioning of the onomastic code of culture in the literary text, the work of Lev Kassil “Get ready, Your Highness!” was analyzed. This work is saturated with the realities of the corresponding era, and proper names in it sometimes represent social practices characteristic of that time. Onyms are used to represent one’s social status, indicate a political situation, not only identify a person, but also draw patterns of behavior typical of a given era. For an adequate perception of the work, it is necessary to decode the encyclopedic and socio-cultural information presented in proper names. The implementation of the coding function by the name is aimed at the semantic disclosure of the potential of the semantic development of a proper name, its use as a universal linguistic unit capable of simultaneously activating the function of linguistic economy and the function of multilevel interpretation.
This article is devoted to the study of the structure of the extralinguistic meaning of a proper name, the layers of information that it includes and the circumstances for their actualization. Onym possesses both linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of meaning, which makes possible the development and dynamics of information represented by the non-linguistic component of meaning. In its structure, archetypal, mythological, religious, scientific, historical, geographical, sociocultural, literary and aesthetic types of information are distinguished, the actualization of which depends both on the context of the use of a proper name and on the background knowledge of the recipient. The existence of several information layers in the structure of the meaning of the onym is analyzed from the standpoint of the theory of spiral development of the meaning of the proper name. The cumulative function of onomastic units and their ability to act as components of cultural memory, representative of the cultural and historical heritage is emphasized. The analysis of the functioning of proper names in a popular science text is illustrated with the examples from the work of Lynne Truss “Eats, Shoots & Leaves”. The interpretive potential of onyms is analyzed, the specifics of dynamics of certain information is singled out in the structure of the meaning of a name in order to achieve the goal of communication both from the point of view of transmitting a certain message, and from the point of view of the expressiveness of the use of linguistic material, which is underlined with the help of the ironic function as realized in it.
Interdisciplinary research in the field of consciousness and ways of its representation using verbal and nonverbal codes seems to be particularly fruitful at the intersection of linguistics and philosophy, psychology and biology, medicine and neuroscience. Linguistic consciousness is considered in the works of E.S. Kubryakova (2012), R.I. Pavilionis (1983), L.S. Vygodsky (2018), A.N. Leontiev (1975). The information theories of consciousness in philosophy are analyzed in the works of D.A. Fodor (1987), F. Dretske (1981), D.I. Dubrovsky (2015), D. Chalmers (2013). The information theory of consciousness is applied as the basis of the conception of the spiral development of the meaning of a proper name. The concept of onomastic knowledge is analyzed, the conceptual complex structures, which serve as a basis for the mental representations of onomastic knowledge, are given. The concept of onomastic consciousness is introduced as part of the linguistic consciousness responsible for the formation and development of onomastic competence. The definition of onomastic competence is given as the ability to encode information using proper names, both of individualizing and characterizing nature, as well as the ability to manipulate proper names in all variety of systemic and discursive functions to achieve the goal of communication. The analysis of the cognitive-functional specifics of proper names is given on the examples of the novels “Piranesi” by S. Clark and “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” by Q. Tarantino. The specifics of the proper name as an objectifier of consciousness and onomastic competence as an indicator of the formation and development of onomastic consciousness are analyzed. According to the information theory of consciousness, onomastic consciousness determines the meaning of proper names.