ISSN: 2074-1588
Faculty of Russian Language, Institute of Foreign Languages
In Chinese, verb aspect is expressed by verbs in combination with various linguistic means. Based on the difference between the verb aspect system of Russian and Chinese languages and the possible expressions of verb aspect in Russian, this paper aims to predict possible errors in the use of Russian verb aspect. In order to check the correctness of our analysis, a special diagnostic test was conducted. The test results show that the errors made by Chinese students primarily do not stem from the influence of their native language, but from the fact that students are not able to assess the situation, cannot find or even see certain reference points, available signals, directly indicating the use of this or that verb aspect. Errors are explained by elementary ignorance of the verb forms, especially in such cases as брать — взять, ловить — поймать and ignorance of the formation of the verb form itself, for example, the formation of the imperative form, etc. This is the result of insufficient training of students. In this case, the problem is not in students, but, firstly, in the complexity of the topic itself, and, secondly, in the method of teaching. We believe that it is necessary to give students a clear scheme of verb aspect meanings and identify those signals that can help students choose the type of a verb adequate to the situation of communication; the course of studying the verb aspect should be long enough, because strong and stable skills of the correct use of verb aspect are formed only as a result of gradual and regular work on the types of the verb, made over a long period of time. The results of this work can also serve as a starting point for determining not only the content of verb types teaching exercises, but also for developing methodological recommendations for them.