ISSN: 2074-1588

ISSN: 2074-1588

En Ru
For authors

For authors

Thematic profile and specialization of the journal

The journal “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication” publishes articles on the following subjects:

  • Germanic languages;
  • Romance languages;
  • theory and methodology of education and mentoring (foreign languages);
  • comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics, the theory and practice of translation;
  • theory and history of cultures;
  • interdisciplinary studies of language

Authors are held responsible for the choice and authenticity of facts, quotations, economic-statistic data, proper names (geographical names included) and any encyclopedic information. 

The journal “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication” is published quarterly (one issue per three months).

When quoting the references to the Journal are mandatory. 

Manuscript Submission and Formatting Guidelines

1. Content guidelines

1.1. For publication in the journal articles presenting the results of original scientific research are accepted, as well as supplementary teaching materials; bibliographical reviews and surveys of the latest Russian and foreign research on linguistics and intercultural communication, on teaching foreign languages, cultural studies (culturology) and area studies.

1.2. The journal publishes only original scientific works not previously published elsewhere and not containing incorrect or excessive borrowing.

1.3. Articles submitted should correspond to the thematic profile of the journal as represented in the following key areas:

§ Germanic languages;

§ Romance languages;

§ theory and methodology of education and mentoring (foreign languages);

§ comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics, theory and practice of translation;

§ theory and history of cultures;

§ interdisciplinary studies of language

1.4.  Materials submitted should meet the criteria of scientific novelty and fundamental nature of research. This presupposes that the article contains a comprehensive and detailed review of the latest Russian and foreign academic literature on the issues under investigation.

1.5. Manuscripts which do not correspond to the thematic profile of the journal, or which disregard its lay-out requirements, will not be considered for publication.

2. Lay-out of articles (general guidelines)

2.1. The manuscript file must be in .doc format (Word 1997-2003) or .docx

2.2. Recommended length of article including spaces, the abstracts, two lists of used literature (in Russian and in English) (see pp 7-8 below): for Doctors of Science (Dr. Habil) – up to 25,000 characters, for Associate Professors and Candidates of Science(PhD) – up to 20,000 characters, for post-graduate students and researchers – up to 15,000 characters.

2.3. Page size must be 210 x 297 mm (A4), portrait orientation. Page margins: left - 30mm, top - 20mm, right - 10mm, bottom - 25mm. Font ordinary, Times New Roman. Font size: 12 pt in text, 10 pt in footnotes. Line spacing: 1.5 lines. Title of the article: 16 pt Bold, centered. No automatic hyphenation at the end of the line.

2.4. The text of the manuscript should be submitted as a single file, consisting of two blocks: the first one (written in Russian) contains information about the author, the abstract, key words, the text of the article, list of used literature; the second one – entirely in English - includes information about the author, the abstract, key words, Harvard style list of References.

3. Lay-out of Russian block

3.1. Information about the author of the article:

- author’s full name (surname, first name, patronymic), academic degree/s (if any), academic title (if any), job position, name of the organization – place of work/study, author’s email address;

–  author’s place of work/study full details (the official name of the organization, post/zip code, country, town, street, building#).

3.2. Title of the article.

3.3. A 150 – 200-word abstract, which must be informative, reflecting as accurately as possible the content of the article, its structure and conclusions, without being too general.

3.4. Key words - up to 20.

3.5. Text of the article.

3.6. List of used literature.

4.  Lay-out of English block

4.1. Information about the author of the article:

–author’s full name, transliterated (for automatic transliteration it is recommended to go to site http://translit.net/ and choose standard BSI in the drop-down menu in “основной” window) academic degree/s (if any), academic title (if any), job position, name of the organization–place of work/study – translated into English, author’s email address;

–author’s place of work/study in full (a full official name of the organization, postal/zip code, country, city, street building # ), transliterated. 

4.2. Title of the article – translation into English.

4.3. Abstract in English, no less than 200 words in length (should be written in correct English, using fixed and common for the discipline terminology, should not be a calque or loan translation from Russian, should be an independent text, informative and content-related (fully reflecting the content, structure and conclusions of the article).

4.4. Key words up to 20.

4.5.  List of used literature (References).

5. Formatting graphical data

5.1. Drawings, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc. must all be numbered, with reference to sources, and placed within the printable area of the page.

5.2. Highlighting in the text of the article must be done by italicizing only (not by bolding or underlining).

5.3. Due to the complexity of printing graphical materials, the Editorial Board reserves the right to remove them from the text.

6. Formatting in-text references and footnotes

6.1. In-text references in square brackets include the name/s of the author/s (if the reference is given to collected papers, the full title of the volume is given), year of publication and, after a colon, page number/s if necessary) 


  • Ввиду отсутствия глобального правительства, глобальное управление подразумевает стратегическое взаимодействие между субъектами, не связанными формализованными иерархическими отношениями» [Keohane, 2003].

  • варваризм – «иностранное слово или выражение, не до конца освоенное заимствующим языком, чаще всего в связи с трудностями грамматического освоения. Обычно варваризмы используются при описании чужеземных обычаев, быта, нравов, для создания местного колорита» [Розенталь, 1985: 45].

6.2. Footnotes with reference to an official document, an analytical report, expert commentary, interview or speech should include:

- surname and initials of the author/s;

- full title of the document, report or speech // Name of the publication (if there is one); 

- publication metadata in the following order: place of publication; publisher; year; page ##.

6.3. In case of reference to electronic resources a link to the internet site and date of reference must be given. 


Russian sources

Лазарев Г. Французы уходят из Мали // Газета.ру. 06.02.2013. URL: http://www.gazeta.ru/politics/2013/02/06_a_4954773.shtml (дата обращения: 22.02.2014).

Foreign language sources

Boisbouvier Ch. Mali: le retour de la Françafrique? // RFI.fr. 23.07.2013. URL: http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20130722-mali-presidentielle-francafrique-hollande-fabius-traore-tiebile-d... (accessed: 26.02.2014).

7. Formatting list of used literature

7.1. The list should be numbered and organized in the alphabetical order, first Russian language books, then those in foreign languages.

7.2. The list should include only academic works.

7.3. All references to sources (official documents, mass media, expert commentaries, works of fiction, dictionaries, speeches and interviews, etc.) should be given as footnotes and not included in List of used literature  at the end.

7.4. Monographs reference format:

- surname, first name and patronymic of the author/s;

- title of the book;

- metadata in the following order: place of publication, publishing house, year of publication, page number/s (in case of direct quoting)


Барабанов О.Н., Голицын В.А., Терещенко В.В. Глобальное управление. М.: МГИМО-Университет, 2006. С. 56-61.

Hooghe L. Cohesion policy and European integration: building multi-level governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

7.5. Articles in journal/collected papers reference format:

- surname, first name and patronymic of the author/s;

- title of the article // title of the collected papers/journal;

- metadata in the following order: Year of publication. Issue number. Pages 


Молчанова Г.Г. Проксемика как фактор национального самосознания // Вестн. Моск. ун-та. Сер. 19. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. 2013. № 3. С. 57

Сморгунов Л.В. Сетевой подход к политике и управлению // Полис. 2001. № 3. С. 103–113.

Hafner-Burton E.M., Kahler M., Montgomery A.H. Network analysis for international relations // International Organization. 2009. Vol. 63. No 3. Pp. 559–592.

7.6. References to electronic resources should be given in accordance with the format outlined above,  the difference being in adding in the end the exact reference to the internet resource and the date of reference.


Stansfield G. Iraqi Kurdistan: political development and emergent democracy. Taylor & Francis e-library, 2003. URL: https://www.academia.edu/3271178/Iraqi_Kurdistan_Political_development_and_emergent_democracy (accessed: 04.10.2014).

7.7. When reference is made to electronic publications (articles or monographs) the name of the site must be given in full.

8. Formatting references list

8.1.  References list in English is fully identical to List of used literature in Russian in terms of its structure.

8.2. Harvard (18th edition) is used as the standard for references.

8.3.  List of used literature in Russian and References list in English should include only academic articles and monographs.

8.4. All references to sources (official documents, mass media materials, speeches, interviews, etc.) should be given as footnotes.

8.5. Monographs reference format should be as follows:

–surname, first name, patronymic of the author/s – transliteration (for Russian authors), BSI standard;

–  year of publication;

–  title of the book in italics– transliteration, BSI standard, if the book is in Russian. Then in square brackets - the translation of the title into English;

–  metadata in the following order: Place of publication, Publisher; 

–  if the book is in Russian, “(In Russ.)” is added at the end.


Ter-Minasova S.G. 2000. Rossiya i Zapad: dialog kul'tur [Russia and West Countries: Dialogue of Cultures]. Moscow, Tsentr po izucheniyu vzaimodeistviya kul'tur. (In Russ.)

Bevir M., Rhodes R.A.W. 2003. Interpreting British governance. London, Routledge.

8.6. Articles in journals reference format should be as follows:

– surname, first name, patronymic of the author/s – transliteration (for Russian authors) BSI standard;

– year of publication;

– title of the article – transliteration, BSI standard, if the article is in Russian. In square brackets that follow – translation of the title into English;

–  metadata in the following order: name of the journal (in italics) – transliteration, BSI standard, issue number, pages;

–  if the article is in Russian, “(In Russ.)” is added at the end.


Smorgunov L.V. 2001. Setevoy podkhod k politike i upravleniyu [The network approach to policy making and governance]. Polis, no. 3, pp. 103–113. (In Russ.)

Molchanova G.G. 2013. Proksemika kak faktor natsional'nogo samosoznaniya [Proxemics as a factor of the national identity]. Moscow 

University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, no. 3, pp. 57–72. (In Russ.)

Bouwen P. 2004. Exchanging access goods for access: a comparative study of business lobbying in the European Union institutions. European Journal of Political Research, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 337–369.

8.7. Articles in collected papers reference format: 

– surname, first name, patronymic of the author/s– transliteration (for Russian authors), BSI standard;

– year of publication;

– title of the article – transliteration, BSI standard, if the article is in Russian. In square brackets that follow – translation of the title into English;

–  metadata in the following order: In editor’s surname, first name, patronymic - transliteration, BSI standard, (ed.). In square brackets that follow – translation of the title into English; page##;

– if the article is in Russian, (In Russ.) is added at the end.


Suslov D.V. 2008. Mozhno li upravlyat’ mirom [If it’s possible to govern the world]. In Karaganov S.A. (ed.) Rossiya i mir. Novaya epokha. 12 let, kotorye mogut vse izmenit’ [Russia and world. New epoch, 12 years that could change everything]. Moscow, AST, Rus’-Olimp Publ. (In Russ.) 

Rhodes R.A.W., Marsh D. 1992. Policy network in British politics. A critique of existing approaches. In Marsh D., Rhodes R.A.W. (eds.). Policy networks in British government. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

8.8. References to electronic resources should be given in accordance with the format outlined above, the only difference being in adding at the end the reference to the internet resource link and the date of reference.


Dabla-Norris E., Minoiu C., Zanna L.-F. 2010. Business cycle fluctuations, large shocks, and development aid new evidence. [Washington, D.C.], International Monetary Fund. URL:  http://site.ebrary.com/id/10437418 (accessed: 20.06.2014).

Frot E. 2009. Aid and the financial crisis: Shall we expect development aid to fall? Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, Stockholm School of Economics. URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1402788 (accessed: 28.05.2013).

8.9. If several works of the same author, published in the same year, appear in the List of literature (References list), a letter index should be added to the date of publication (2001a, 2001b, etc.); similar to in-text references. 

«Такого рода факторы в последнее время все чаще изучаются в литературе, посвященной “щедрости” доноров (aid effort) [Milner, Tingley, 2010a, 2010b]».

Manuscripts of articles are sent to the Editorial Office email address: vestnik19@yandex.ru

Authors are not charged for publication.

Important! An issue of the journal “Moscow University Bulletin. Series 19. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication” is considered published as soon as it appears in the electronic library registered at elibrary.ru.

How to access the contents of the journal’s issue:

  1. Go to the main page at elibrary.ru

  2. Choose "Российский индекс научного цитирования".

  3. Choose "Поиск журналов".

  4. In the query window enter "Серия 19 Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация" and choose the issue out of the drop-down list.

  5. On the page of the issue in the right-hand column choose "Просмотр оглавления выпусков журналов".

The copyright of any article remains with the author(s).

The journal may choose to screen certain article submissions for plagiarism in the “Antiplagiat” system.