ISSN: 2074-1588
The article discusses ergonyms and their types and functions in the food industry of the Buryat Republic. The main onomastic function of an ergonym, as of a proper name, is nominative-excretory, which, along with the individualization function, determines the range of services that are provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The identification or informative function of ergonyms gives the consumer an idea of what is offered there and what quality the product is. The advertising function of ergonyms is inextricably linked with the informative function and is a market economy tool (IRISH PUB). The security function of the ergonym is associated with the image of the claimed brand and its status (CHURCHILL). The stimulating function positions this food company as a representative of a well-known company being in a certain sense a guarantee of high quality (KFC). The psychological or attractive function of ergonyms is aimed at creating confidence in the offered services that are already known as the consumer market (BURYATIA). Ergonyms in Russian reflect Russian culture and traditions (MASLENITSA, SAMOVAR), most food establishments with national cuisines are presented in Russian (CARAVAN-BASHI, SAMURAI). Ergonyms in foreign languages are addressed primarily to foreign tourists. Their choice is influenced by the affiliation of the given food enterprise to the international (SUBWAY) or the all-Russian food chains (ShashlykoFF). Ergonyms in the Buryat language appeal to the background knowledge of representatives of Buryat ethnic group, which have become common to people of other nationalities living in the Republic of Buryatia (ALTAN GEREL).